Tuesday, June 1, 2010

In the news ... *J.C. Style Reasoning*

In the news:

After Israel Raids Flotilla, US Is Torn Between Allies

Honestly we can kill two birds with one stone. As a country we need to give up our world watch dog status and share it with another up coming country. We need to focus on our side of the planet and well we need a power house on the other side of the country that can assist us with the watch dog status. China wants more respect, how better to show your respect but to add more responsibility for the the country to deal with. Israel, turkey, and all those other religious fanatic areas will be watched over by a state that can care less about religion or disputes that obviously are religious based.

Let's admit it, the only reason US government does not give China more responsibilities is for 2 obvious reasons. They are not Democratic, and they are not a Christian built country. Personally I think the US needs to take a few steps back and quit playing in the yards of others. Sharing the watch dog status with China and listening to their ideas for their backyard, is better than a country around the world that is separated by ocean telling them what to do. But in the same aspect we share our ideas, on both sides of the globe. Think of it as they are the strength over there, but the idea's over here. We are the strength over here and the idea's over there.

Does not mean they have to agree with the ideas, but they should consider them, just like we should consider their ideas with as much tenacity as our own ideas. The whole Turkey and Israel conflict just shows how inexperienced and inappropriate Obama is for the Office.

In the News:

Oh I love this one. Every single American should band with the Japanese residents on this too. Look at it this way, we were upset when we had bases closing here on our home soil, but yet not a single on over seas was taken away, especially in Okinawa.

There should only be one U.S. base maybe 2 in the whole freaking territory of Japan. The local police should have jurisdiction or at least shared jurisdiction over crimes committed by US military. Why are we hated as United States, just look at our government, and the criminals in our military. US has nothing to be proud about, we are just as savage as any other person that believes there way is the only way and it is right.

I say give Okinawa back to the Japanese. They have suffered long enough for a war that happened long ago. They are our allies now, and I would say let the allies build a defense force, if anything it can only help strengthen the allies it belongs too, which happens to be the US.

In the news....
Suspects must assert right to silence
Contrary belief you do not have a right to remain silent, you have to speak up to be silent. This is just plain ignorance, stupidity, and new step to kill American Legal steps that actually do protect the innocent from being coherence into, things. The law is messed up anyways. If you say something you automatically waive your right is how I see it. It is free information you are giving.

The legal system here in the states is way to complicated, way to fragile, and filled with too many holes due to things like the above. A new law comes out every day that adds a loop hole, so it seems anyway.

In the News...
Obama vows justice if laws broken in oil spill

Yea just like his Aunt being deported, or kicked out of the country. That didn't happen. Oh he will fine them or what not, but in the end it will not be a victory because the amount fined will be like a $20 bill to the company.

Obama has no clue how to run the country, how to play the diplomat or how to be a person of government. How can he vow justice, justice is not his department it is the Judiciary Branches department. Obama should be impeached for being a moron.

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