Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Fire Snakes can be a bit loud, speaking their minds and smothering you with their opinions. This does add a twist to his dynamic and vibrant character, as he is quite the extrovert. These Snakes have a great wisdom. They are intriguing communicators who leave you breathless after a conversation. Fire Snakes can change even the most obstinate mind with their powers of persuasion, convincing you their opinions or ideas are better than yours. This does make them a little self-centered, but you can’t say they aren’t driven for success.

This does for the most part fit me, so does all the things stated at:

Looking at this I kind of feel like destiny has made me into the shy stand offish person I am, and yet I know some of the family affliction has a part to play in it. What makes me think of such things, look for such things, question myself. Well I want to know who I am, where I should go, and how to bend like the reed in a storm the easiest way possible. Snakes are calculating in manner so it says.

I have never been good at compliments, receiving them that is. I don't know when people compliment me I feel bad, I feel like they only say such things because they don't know the real me, only what I show to them. I guess I am looking toward the Chinese Zodiac to compare myself with characters in the anime I am watching. It is called Fruits Basket and you can find it on you tube.

Confucious said that "The man of honor thinks of his character, the inferior man of his position. The man of honor desires justice, the inferior man of favor."

While I used to believe in honor and justice and all that Jazz, I found through Dao that one is the same as the other. So the superior man and the inferior man is more alike than what people see. Honor spawns dishonor, justice spawns injustice. Choose to follow one and the other is sure to come into your life.

Unlike my zodiac sign, I am finding ways to change certain aspects of myself, change the thought style I have, and learn that a balance is needed. When being gentle, be strong in the mind. When fast moving, be slow in thought. When relaxing, remember to turn off the mind. Return to nothingness and the body will calm, the mind will slow and things that once could not be seen shall shine brightly.

Amazing how well the Chinese Zodiac is for people, pretty accurate when describing characteristics.

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