Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Time Marches On??? *Time Dao*

The equation of time found on Wiki.

I suppose for those self important scientists this is a great achievement, for those people who don't care it is a chain, and for those of us that reject the reality of the common person and substitute a different form of thought it is a constant fight.

Equations like the one above causes much destruction without many people realizing it. Think of it before these equations how much simpler was life. You woke up with the sun, went to sleep during the night, planted your crops according to the seasons and lived life relatively non-rushed.

Ah society though is now chained in time, Time provides a circle of numbers, that is unchanging, uneventful, and slowly we come to forget the relevance of time because we wear watches, or look at the computer or wall clock for the time. We no longer live the day, we watch the day go by.

We rush time to get off work, we stress because of the time it takes to do a task, we create car crashes because we speed do to time. Today we have schedules, and we must fulfill duties according to time, but what about the older days.

Back then people made time for each other, they were not pressed to do this or that. They performed their duties on the farms and when those were done they would sit with neighbors and friends and enjoy the time they had. They never had to schedule the time to do something.

Back then time did not exist in the since that it does now. Past, present and future were allowed to mingle together without as much friction. Past and future was merged into the present during those days. Today we focus on the future with a 1 track mind, planning and plotting our course through the sea of time. Back then people did without what they needed not what they wanted.

Someday I will return to the old ways. I will drop technology of modern day and go back to the field. I will be able to enjoy my day working the ground, raising a crop and not worrying about the time, nor the rushing of things.

I will be able to feel a true breeze upon my face without trying to feel it. I will be able to hear life at night, without the corrupt sounds of humanity. The light of the moon giving a full unobstructed view of the land. Time takes away from such things, it is not scheduled to enjoy the simple things in life and in turn you forget about them due to that chain of a schedule, and the demand of time.

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