Friday, December 25, 2009

Anger and Rage the destroyer of balance.

A note I read earlier tonight on a linked person's page from the social sites. It brought to my consciousness the anger and rage people tend to have. Rage, and anger unravels the balance inside one's self. Not only does rage and anger strip you of your own free will, your own control, but it adds the lethal stress factor upon the life.

Suppose anger clouds judgment too, rage blinds the eyes of truth, and obscures the right path. Generally when people get upset they throw away a good opportunity to make things better, or set something into motion that can be beneficial to all. How many times in my past did I let anger get the best of me, blinded by rage, not knowing the correct path to take? Too many and in the end it cost so much for the payment.

If your in a position to teach, or advise, or are a close enough friend to a person that has an issue with something that goes against your own self interest then there are many things to consider. You first have a choice in your mind, do you see the way or do you become angry and allow rage to blind you. Do you get upset and cast the person aside to protect yourself, or do you go the path least traveled and try to help them realize what they are actually doing?

Do you teach them moderation, or just to stop totally? Would it be honorable to throw them away as a hopeless cause just because you can easily say your more honorable than that and would not want that around yourself or your family? I think self interest is involved and the human reaction that we all so long to get rid of comes into play. The human reaction of emotion before thought of others, the emotions of acting out instead of preserving others. It is not really all that bad to help someone going down a path of destruction to come out of that path.

If your afraid of the dark you can ever really appreciate the light, can you? If you have never traveled on a dark road how can you appreciate the path of light you try to lead? Selfish is what I believe it to be. Hide it behind any excuse and form of self righteousness and honor you want but in the end you commit dishonor, and disgrace from the path, the way, and the arts.

If you meet a rogue and give him no chance to crawl out of the lower depths of society then chances are he will fall lower and lower, decreasing what restrictions he would do in order to survive. Yet casting the person out was righteous, was justice, was honorable? I suppose I just live in a different reality since that day, but I still feel the right thing to do is to help with not really wanting anything in return. Only thing I have ever wanted my students, my friends, and my apprentices to do is to help others to lift them out of the downward spiral that a person is going through. Guide them to a life they forgot they could have if they just tried to obtain it.

Do people respect me, respect my writings? I don't think so, but it does not matter really to me. I used to be told that: "You have to give respect in order to receive it?" This to me is wrong, you are giving something only on the grounds that you gain something. I have heard that you have to earn respect as well. But why should I yearn for respect, If i have respect then there will be disrespect that follows it. So why should I let respect cloud my ego. If no one respects me then no one can disrespect me.

If your brother, or sister, father or mother was a drug addict would you give up on them and call it honorable? No it would not be honorable, but you can easily give up on someone that is not a relative. Tell their parents, kick them to the curb and wash your hands of it right. Why not go the correct way if your in a position of teaching, or advising. Teach them how the path goes, help them find their way, and assist them every step. Be their crutch for as long as it takes, tell the parents, tell the friends, get as many people to help be a crutch until the day comes where that person is no longer in danger. Get rehabilitation setup, visit the rehab to check up on them, do what you can to guide them, not just toss the people away.

But anger and rage cloud the thoughts, anger and rage blinds the eyes. Anger and Rage hide the path, and pride throw that in there with the sense of self righteousness, for they justify allowing the anger and rage to remain, to make it feel that the right thing was done.

Yet in the heart, deep down in the soul, a little circle of dignity or life is crushed because there was nothing more done, that there was no attempt to try to save a human life, and that maybe if you think about it, maybe they came to you because they did respect you in their own little way. Maybe just a little they cried out for your help, but anger and rage made your ears deaf to the indirect cry.

Without balance were is the human soul but swallowed by darkness. If help is not offered to those falling into darkness from those that can help, wouldn't you think the darkness would touch them just a little more each time.

Live life as the water, don't swim against the current but with it, bend like a reed and one will find, there is not much that can stress you out. You will learn that others well being is far more of a concern than oneself. If you get there then you will know, if you feel it then you can find the bliss of a whole different world. If you want it, you have to live it, if you live it then you no longer want it. If you live it then it is completed and no longer there.

We live life as an illusion and occasionally the masks come off, and when that does someone will be there to spot it, if it is for the light or dark or even shadows of both, a person will learn of it one day. All past sins, all past path deviations will be accounted for in the ends of ends.

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