Saturday, October 17, 2009

Twilight of the Cove... *Darker Dao*

The opening in the jade was filled with green. Trees opens into a complete circle with a stream of clear blue water running in the back of the circle. In the middle is a stump that provides for a good chair for the elder Daoist to sit upon as he lectures.

From the shade of green from the trees gave way to the name. Jade Cove, and on nights like this the old Daoist lectures. Nights that have a chill in the air, a night where the moon glows very brightly making ghostly images upon the water and within the trees.

Dao is a harmony within oneself, Harmony creating neither brightness or darkness within oneself. Happiness only exists as a result of living through sadness. To have honor is to jump feet first into disgrace.

To lead a life walking in the dark one must carry a candle inside to light the soul. To play with fire is to get burned, but to play with ice you may be frozen. Three is the magic number to a balance.

3 Aspect of a human mind. Ego, Id and Superego. One is light, one is dark, and the other is somewhere in the space where both meet. The balance between the two. Three this three that, with one you can't have the other, but both exist opposite of each other, but both must meet too.

The human soul has 3 ideas or sections as well. The grand light, the great darkness, and the state of rest. With all our abilities to perform good or bring joy into the world we perform the grand light. However with such greatness comes darkness as well, because one may not exist without the other. Death, pain, despair, destruction are all tools of the great darkness. Somewhere in the soul is a place not destined to focus on working toward the greater good, or the destructive powers one has obtained.

The place between the grand light and the great darkness is the State of Rest. Thoughts float in an area not focused on anything, but touching everything. A place were emotions collide and beat each other into silence. Live in this place. Live in the place where the mind is silent, where emotions do not run wild. Impartial thoughts are not clouded by the dark, and not blinded by the light.

Birth, Life, and Death. You are currently in-between birth and death, but rarely does one treat it as a place where both meet. 3 is key number to balance all things. If you live in one extreme of the three, then you will perform the other extreme to balance out to a third area. Live the first half of life good and pleasing and the second half will be spent in solitude, or performing evil, and painful acts. Live balanced to begin with, you will end life balanced.

The old Daoist got up from the stump, and walked to the stream. Come here young ones, let me show you something. Take this stream, it is neither pure nor dirty, but one can drink from it. If the river was pure, then people would fight over it as they would treasure, and if it was dirty one sip would kill. It exists in the balanced area of the spectrum of things.

The tree does not live for the greater good, nor the greater evil. It is there to just exist, to bring balance and harmony within nature and nothing more. Between the to states exist the third state, the balanced are the clarity of the states. Each extreme outside the balance is either blinded by darkness or by light, and neither should be taken lightly, as a poor choice regardless of the side (light or dark) is still a poor choice. The best choice is the choice that is chosen while impartial.

:Listening to Iron Maiden "Tears of the Dragon"

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