Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Preparations, random thoughts *Dao and yet not Dao*

A step forward a concern to the side, one must not focus on surrounding issues. Look to the side and you get hit from the front. Focus only on what is in front of you and get attacked from behind. Be aware of all directions while moving forward, if an attack is coming from the rear, turn and face it but never look back, always face forward.

People in life are lost, but strive to niche out a place for themselves. Even the lost will fight for something, but the master fights for nothing and in turn gets everything he ever wanted.

I am looking forward even though there are questionable entities to the side. I decided I would start to organize things for the move. Prepare and pack some today. Time is coming quickly I feel and it is not the type of thing to be caught unprepared.

When I was young I attended Boy Scouts. The motto was: Be Prepared. Such a simple idea that seems to have lost all it's meaning in the world. Prepared for what? In the Boy Scouts I always felt it meant be prepared to survive, in the wild, in life, in every aspect of the scouts dealings.

As an adult I still feel this way. I am prepared to work, prepared to learn (although lately it has been difficult), prepared to love, prepared to be alone. In all aspects that can hit me I think the only one I have not prepared for is to be rich. I never prepared for it because I always thought it dealt with money. Maybe this move will teach me there is something else that can be considered that has no monetary value and still be considered rich.

Just because a sage said that one who knows himself and treats the world though kind and caring eyes is truly wealthy, does not mean that his Dao is my Dao. My Dao has yet to find itself a wealth of that level. Just like people are different so to is the Dao of a person. Don't get me wrong I believe in the sages words, I just do not define that as wealth at this stage of the path.

I suppose it is because even through kindness people have never really treated me right, always seemed to be distant, and never really tried to understand me. They always tried to analyze me, or psychologically profile me, or called me young.

This journey may end up taking me where I need to be, and then again it may take me to complete ruin. But the possibility of getting to a point where a smile is worn more than a frown is an opportunity to take.

A river that flows quick can swallow those that fight it, swallow those not prepared, and drown those that try to force it from flowing. I sense a the river quickly picking up speed in this move. If information is not given to a person, they should prepare strategies for multiple situations and react accordingly, remembering the steps of a crisis situation when the river turns a sharp corner during it's journey. Panic and the rocks will be there to great you.

Swimming with the waves of a fast moving river gives you waves that push you along instead of holding you back. Preparation allows one to know prepare for a turn, a twist, fast flowing water, and changes that may occur, but it still has to follow the rules of a crisis situation.

I am thinking about adding to the rules I learned long ago.
1. Do not panic
2. Breathe
3. Look at the situation logically
4. Think of a solution and go with it. Do not hesitate.
5. Follow through with the solution.

I am thinking of adding some things like this:
Do not get anxious
Do not stress
Strength comes from within.
Flow with the issue, deflect while fixing an the issue.
A Crisis is made of multiple small issues. Fix the small and the large will disappear.
Being prepared may not stop a crisis, but will assist in solving it faster.

When I was young I also went to Cub Scouts, and Webelos. What was the motto for Cub Scouts...
Funny I had to Google that but it is: Do your best. The word Webelos means: We be Loyal Scouts.

Funny how a childhood thing like this affects an adult. I am loyal, I do try my best, and I try to prepare for all things in my life. The fall of all this is that with all these motto's and all these activities in the wilderness the lesson falls short due to sight for several things. Love for example, I do not think I was ever ready for it, much less prepared. When you live life in preparation for things, then life is only meant as preparation, and not lived. When your best fails, you tend to beat yourself up, making your being become a crushed powder of the rock it once was. Wind can not touch rock, but can blow powder easily enough.

When I was young, I was an outcast to people my own age. Funny this still has not really changed. I have a different way of thinking, of acting, and with my empathy it is really easier being the outcast at times.

I so need to prepare for this move. I suppose I will pack over the next couple of days. Stuff is laid out in order to make it go a little quicker. Plus I am sure I can conscript a little army to help if need be. My family is really cool in a pinch situation.

Well of to read a book a little and then crash. Have a great day my readers.

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