Today many do not camp, live off the land, and become complex with the me syndrome. What can I get to be happy, what can I take from someone to make them sad, and how can I be better than Joe down the street.
Stress is a undesired reaction to a situation that one feels uneasy about. Stress can be a result of other emotions to a situation as well. Stress in reality is something we create within our own minds.
If one can accept that some things are beyond your control, and just go with the flow, and bend with the river then how can any external issue cause stress. If things are out of your control why should you stress out about it, for it is not something you control anyways.
Society wants this and that from people, they want you to work life away, demand unrealistic things from a person, work less people for more hours. Demand more technology to perform the job, outsource and off shore in order to make the jobs more competitive while not sufficiently fixing economic to accommodate such things.
You have business men working for peanuts, rearranging people's lives with moves and outsourcing, and then some taking money away from the company. Yet all is right with the world because god is in his heaven.
Most people do not say hello and mean it, they are just programmed to just say it and continue on with self instead of a whole. They forget the basics of courtesy, and kindness, and just the thought of helping a neighbor. Instead of holding doors open and taking 20 more seconds just to be kind, the busy body world ignores rules of chivalry. Lie cheat and steal to get more than others seems to be the current law of the land.
Let us check the news real quick:
Pentagon: Sexual assault reporting up among troops from CNN
Couple slain in Mexico shooting had baby on the way from CNN
Woods to make return at Masters from BBC under North America Sector
Okay first things first, who cares about all this. It is not real news. It does not increase my quality of life knowing about such things, it drowns out what is really important. It has no bearing on my life what so ever, it is depressing story after depressing story and yet Americana's allow them to continue to publish such crap. You got countries at war with each other, finger pointing between countries, and a Nuke ready to be launched in all the dark corners of earth.
Man is the scourge of this world with it's current thoughts. Few have the drive to surpass the demon inside and just go with natural order of things. Nature balances populations by producing balance within an ecosystem. However, humanity does not follow this ideology of balance. We reproduce and create a number of beings that consume resources quicker than they can be produced.
Then the infamous religion issue. Religion is nice when it is done correctly, however you have rules in religion that put blinders on to the rest of the world. The religion says to be kind to all but few rarely are, and most are not genuine in the concept for they only focus on getting to that realm where their god is. True faith starts by not following the rules set forth by religious establishments and finding your own truth, the truth whispered in your Dao.
Where there is a destroyer there is a creator. The creator comes when one returns to the beginning, of days long past, and realizes that less provides more, and nature is an entity to live with not above.
One that bends with the issues of life and finds pathways to silver linings within each obstacle, and when the want is not there, the need becomes clear. Thankful for all things in life, and practices kindness without thought.
It would seem that there should be more creators, but alas society has generated terrible Destroyers and praises only the very best of them. Social ideas of today begins young and puts forth destroyers at an earlier age. I want syndrome.
You know back when I was young, if we said we wanted, the answer would be, and people in hell want ice water, or people in Ethiopia would want it too. Now many people just buy the toys, or if they can't they make promises to buy it when they get the money, and only sometimes make good on the promise.
Back then as a child you got the truth even if it was vague, today you get illusions. Back then we got kicked out to play outside, today people stay in doors or clubs, or bars and do not frequent the rolling in the grass, the nature hike through woods, or even swinging in a tree.
The brain washing of only kids do such things and I am a responsible adult so I can't do it syndrome. If you had fun doing it as a child why should you not enjoy it as an adult. It is simple, it is natural, and it is enjoyable. Just because the current population views thinks as childish does not make it so. The greatest things come from a child like thought. But the destroyers stop people from returning to the natural order of things.
I think I am going to leave everyone hang out right here for a while. A lot to take in I think and well if the glass is empty then nothing else can be consumed, as such if a glass is full you can not fill it anymore.