Tuesday, December 8, 2009

47 *Hua Hu Ching*

Kind Prince, The confrontational Nature of dualistic worldly life is so unhealthy; the way of misleading religions is distorted, the way of materialism is cruel; the way of blind spiritualization is unreal. Chanting is not more holy than the murmuring of a stream. Counting one's prayer beads is not more sacred than normal breathing.Colorful religious robes are not more spiritual than plain civilian clothes. Therefore, relying on these superficial trappings of spiritual life will get one nowhere. The only way to attain absolute state of being is though embracing absolute Oneness and leading a selfless life. By anonymously contributing to other's lives one may burnish the brightness of one's soul and radiate virtue to the world. Imbalance may be created by overdeveloping the physical or mental aspects of one's being. Be calm, happy and content with your own being, and live only according to your true nature.
Kind Prince, it is impossible to escape the destiny you have formed by your past actions. There is hope, however, for evolving and transforming one's being. Those who have all-encompassing, universal awareness are able to take responsibility for their lives and for their environment.They radiate a healthy influence to others and illuminate the world's darkness. Their absolute virtue becomes a sanctuary, not only for themselves, but for all beings. Virtue is the only true power of life. Those on the Universal Integral Way are resolutely dedicated to their own evolution and also to the evolution of all beings. Their lives are a process of self-refinement and self-transcendence. They are truly an extension of the Universal One.
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Step by step we go through and find something in this. having duality is confusing, but we all do it in some degree. We separate mind and body. Separation of body and spirit. We even separate work and play. We create a dual world to live in, we are used to this, we are taught early on to think this way. If you put your being into your work, and your being into play time are you different? If not why separate them. Are you nothing but a mind, a body, a spiritual being? Or are you just a being trying to walk a path of the Integral way regardless of what you call it.

Misleading religion is stated. What is misleading religion? Name a religion and I am sure in some for it misleads. Not to judge any religion but to generalize all religions real quick. This group dislikes that group, that group is going to hell or the abyss, this group is out casted by all other groups, and when you boil it all down we are no different from one another regardless of a group. Control is what is boils down too, that and money. You can say amen till your blue in the face without living the way fully you are doing nothing at all. Strangers are starving and you pass them up on the street, or a person dressed weird holds a door open for you and your afraid to even say thank you, but yet your holy because you attend a religious facility.

Materialistic is cruel, look at Americans. Let me explain I am an American by birth and citizenship, but I can see it. You buy the big T.V. the house, expensive Jewelry for the wife/girlfriend, and realize you need more so you start charging it all, eventually you go bankrupt and still want more. Things eventually have to be sold and you end up not at square 0, but at square -1. Cruel way to think about the world of materialistic. There are such more fascinating things in the natural world. It is far Healthier to go outside and garden, or go for a walk than to eat on the couch watching American Idol. Did it cultivate you watching that scum on T.V., or will the walk / Gardening benefit you more.

Spiritualism without question is blindness to words produced by others. If I wrote a book and say the one true god wrote this and convinced you that it was true and demanded to follow the book without question, then how can you find your answers, Oh that is right, pray or go to the holy provocateur and find out what his opinion is of the situation. A divine insight of the reiligious provocateur. Follow religion blindly and religion may end up destroying the very thing in you. Your own Integral Way. Each persons Integral Way is different as well, the Integral way has as many and more different ways to live as there are people. Regardless of the way though their are commonalities in every Way, Kindness being one, selflessness, and contentment.

Kind Prince, it is impossible to escape the destiny you have formed by your past actions. I like this bit because I can use science to identify with it. The Law of Cause and Effect. Think of it this way, each decision you make can have a consequence. The cause being your decision the effect being the consequences. Destiny in the former sentence incorporating both the cause and effect in one unit. You can not escape it, but you can take the responsibility for the cause and take the effect.

If we live in duality then we separate from our being. If we see it as self, we separate from the oneness of all, if we see self then we shall be selfish. When realizing that we are the same can we do for others without failing the self. If I was to ask you to tell me all the times you were alone and happy and smiled could you do it? Can you remember every time you helped another person smile and became immediately lifted, immediately more happy? I bet you can do the second easier than the first. Why is this? Because the bond to others happiness is greater than the lonely stand of self happiness.

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