Sunday, January 10, 2010

Run Run away. It is the NightShades *Dao Diet*

A thousand curses upon learning a new term. Upon investigating a Daoist diet I ran across a term I did not know. Well 32 years old, and I think I am pretty sophisticated although rough around the edges, I found something interesting to me. Rarely happens that I am interested, at the same time I am upset because I love a specific nightshade.

Night Shade??? Is that like a Dungeons and Dragons thing? No this is a class of food. Funny but we eat them not realizing it, and in the act of eating them we poison our bodies.

Anyone that has ever gone out to dinner with me knows I love me some baked potatoes. Growing up I used to love eating tomatoes, and was missing them. Come to find out they are in the night shade family.

Here is a link to give reasons and examples of poisonous Night Shades:

I was curious on why the Daoist Diet list stated to decrease (essentially end up avoiding) potatoes. You don't understand I love potatoes. I eat 2 when I go to O'Charleys. Well my favorite dish at the restaurant will be missing two items. I suppose I will have to go with the salad... Scratch that, vegetables not cooked are not good to eat according to Daoists. So that cuts out Potatoes, Salads, Guess there is some soups I could do if need be.

I guess for a side Item I could do a sweet potato since it is not actually a Night Shade. However steak is no more, beef is no more, dang Red meat. However Chicken and Fish will need to supplement the red meats. Red Meats is apparently bad for your digestion.

Funny thing is that some peppers are night shade, makes since because most Daoist foods were from what I am understanding bland for the most part. Makes since too, if it was spicy then the digestive track may be irritated.

So next payday I am going to get a Wok, buy some veggies, buy some glad ware and cook me a veggie meal for the week. Since I am only one person I am not really that good at portioning and well I don't want to throw away good food. Plus it will help save money over all. See I plan on eventually eating 2 times a day with smaller portions. Possibly through out the day snack on roasted peanuts, or cereal.

I hate fish but I will have to find me one I would be able to eat. However, fish and other seafood should only be eaten once a week because of their high Yin quantity. Some fish like salmon, shark, swordfish and mackerel, are very Yin should be completely avoided.

I also need to get some sea salt as the rock salt has no nutritious value. So many changes lately. Smoking, caffeine, working out again, and soon the diet. Should be an interesting year.


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