Saturday, March 13, 2010

And the Water Fell. *Dao*

As one comes another fades, as another fades one comes. The world has deviated from what it was, now to obtain happiness one must get that, or have this, or date the prom queen, well this is this and that is that.

Watching my anime I heard this roaring sound outside. I thought I heard rain. Most people like the sun, and blue skies. Most people like warm weather and clear sailing. I am far from most people, though. I like my days with overcast, and a hint of rain. I like the night, and love the storms. I always have.

Even in a storm there are few who find peace in them, get excited with them like a kid on Christmas. I suppose I feel like the plant life eager for a drink, eager for the refreshing water after a long dry, clear, hot spell.

Animals seek shade in the summer and do their things accordingly, they do not lounge at a beach to get burned. Humanity has lost it's way in these times, and although a few people a year find the Dao or Buddha, Humanity just populates more busy bodies that really accomplish nothing to note at the end of the journey.

Money does not buy you happiness, or buy you love. Money does not make you like yourself any better, or take you closer to the path. When you die it all stays here, and in time your person will be forgotten.

As the water fell tonight I try to commit it to memory. My smile came, I was eager like a child, and wanted more, faster, harder, and then it slowed. The lightning struck toward the end. I have always love lightning too, which is odd I am more fearful of man made electric than that of natural lightning. It is beautiful, and has a certain brilliance behind it. One flash differing from the next.

Spring water is always cool upon one's skin, and when reaching out to let the water hit my skin, I felt the cool chill in the water, but a nice chill, not a freezing iced water. A chilled water as by slowly chilled from falling through the air. Man can not imitate it, the water has a slight essence about it. If you let go and just be you can sense it, you can feel it as well as all of nature that becomes thankful of the storm for delivering the very liquid of life and cooling effect of the storm.

When youth was around I heard people Thankful for the Rain. In today's society I hear people cursing the rain because it ruined their plans to go out and socialize. I only hear thankfulness when the blistering heat is relieved for a short period or that the urban houses get their lawn back. A lawn does not constitute Nature, while part of it the larger picture is missed.

Indians used to do Rain Dances and prayed to the gods for rain, those that had none prayed for some, and those that had abundance cursed it. People forgot to be grateful for what they have until they loose it.

Day by day I think of her. Day by day I miss her. Not my ex-wife but my first love, my high-school sweetheart. Took me loosing her to realize how grateful I was to have her. Take nothing for granted and granted can take nothing from you.

Yet today the water fell. I got a picture of an amazing cat, I helped a person with their computer and I slept. I may not have done exciting things like my neighbor or much like Mr. Busybody but I feel my day was completed the way it should have been. I feel content in knowing things are flowing the way they need to.

Am I happy right now? Not really but happier than when I was married, happier than when I was a child, but in a utopia, no not there. What do I want in life to be happy? My friend and companion, my love and my soul to come back to me. Until that happens, if it does even, I will live my life for others, help others, and enjoy the rain, the clouds, and the storms. Because even the earth gets thirsty.

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